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  • Root: Riverfolk (inglés)
    • Root: Riverfolk (inglés)

    Root: Riverfolk (inglés)

    Ref: LED01001
    37,99 €
    39,99 €
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    The Riverfolk Expansion adds two new actions, new vagabonds, and exciting new game modes.

    Play as the: Lizard Cult – Indoctrinate the dispossessed creatures of the woods and spread your creed far and wide.

    Riverfolk Company – Capitalize on crisis. Offer services and expand your trade operations to secure your status as a merchant king.

    Second Vagabond – Compete with a rival Vagabond to gain fame and fortune while the other factions attempt to secure their rule.

    Play against the: Mechanical Marquise – Wage war against the Mechanical Marquise in competitive or cooperative modes!

    Resumen del producto

    The Riverfolk Expansion adds two new actions, new vagabonds, and exciting new game modes.

    Play as the: Lizard Cult – Indoctrinate the dispossessed creatures of the woods and spread your creed far and wide.
